Norman 4000 PS Power Supply Norman LH4000 4 800 Watt Second Lamp 12717


  For sale is a Beautiful Norman Model 4000PS Flash / Strobe Power
  Supply and Norman LH4000 Bi-Tube Lamp-head with Built-In Blower.
  Included with this listing is the 120V, single-phase AC power cord
  and the Sync-cord with firing push-button.  NOTE: I have tested this
  system and found everything to be in working order (see
  photo's).  The lamp-head bulb is working perfectly in flash,
  full-power and reduced-power modeling modes; however, I cannot
  guarantee if the bulb will continue to be functional.  This system
  also comes with a padded wood crate for the lamp-head and cords.

  Serial No.138170. '
  I removed the outer part of the flange that was being used to 
  mount the light.  The cylindrical part of the mounting bracket
  is attached by  a thin layer of black goo (like form-a gasket, 
  or something similar). The goo can be removed and the cylinder 
  removed.  It might take about 10 minutes to do it correctly.	

(Click on the thumbnail images to enlarge)
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