For sale is a Lantis - Cargo Loader 161" Model Year 1988, Model #818. It is located in Rockford at the UPS airport. Buyer makes ALL arrangements to pick-up with UPS. This loader is HUGE and needs to be disassembled for safe transport. I bought it there at auction and it MUST be removed within a certain time frame, so: Time is OF THE ESSENCE and you will not be allowed to waffle as you whether you really meant to buy this and whether you can gather the funds and capability to remove. Do not buy this unless you are serious, which unfortunately some of ebay bidders are not. Call me now 630-235-6603, discuss your purchase, and go from there. Note that I have every capability to part out, torch down and scrap this loader, so I am not a desperate seller that got into it over my head -- I just want to try to sell it for usable before parting it out. Note that two are available. See my other listing.