HP 8011A


For sale is a used military surplus HP 8011A pulse generator. It has been found to produce signal on oscilloscope, untested beyond that.

20 MHz Pulse Generator

    * Dual outputs, +10V and -10V
    * TTL output
    * Gating, square wave, double pulse modes
    * Repetition rate 0.1 Hz to 20 MHz
    * Positive/negative/symmetrical output
    * Normal/complement switch
    * Transition times: < 10 ns fixed
    * Pulse width: 25 ns to 100 ms in four ranges.  Vernier provides continuous adjustment within each range
    * Maximum output: 8 V.  With internal 50 ohms and external Hi-Z or internal Hi-Z/external 50 ohms, then 16 V max
    * Repetition Rate and Trigger: 0.1 Hz to 20 MHz in 5 ranges.  Vernier provides continuous adjustment within each range.
    * Power: 100/120/220/240 V rms; + 5%, -10%, 48 Hz to 440 Hz, 70 VA max
    * Weight: 9 lb
    * Dimensions: 5" H x 7.9" W x 11" D

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