Granite City ==> bacharach combustion analyzer
This is a Bacharach
FYRITE combustion analyzer. The FYRITE employs the well known "Orsat"
methd of volumetric analysis involving chemical absorption of a sample
gas, such as carbon dioxide or oxygen. The reagent used to absrb carbon
dioxide (CO2) is potassium hydroxide (dyed red), and chromous chloride
(blue) is the absorbent for oxygen (O2). The unique feature of the
FYRITE is that the absorbing fluid is also used as the indicating
fluid so hat one vessel takes the place of both measuring burette and
absorption pipette.
Bacharach is very good at providing support and replacement parts.
This unit comes with lots of manuals and tables. It looks very clean and
complete. Only what is pictured is being sold. I do not know how to
(Click on the thumbnail images to enlarge)
Adobe PDF Document Document: oil_burner_kit.pdf