Gast Idex 1 4 HP Model 0523 V4H G588DX Vacuum Pump Single Phase 12985


  For sale is a Gast Manufacturing (Division of Idex Corp., Michigan,
  USA) Model 0523-V4H-G588DX Vacuum Pump.  G.E. (Regal Beloit) 1/4 HP
  1/60/100-115/220-230V single phase AC motor.	Power cord with on/off
  toggle switch.  Vacuum gauge reads 0 to -1 Bar.  Pressure gauge reads
  0 to 2 Bar.  I have performed a basic test on this vacuum pump; it
  sounds good and runs well (the lubrication reservoir was turned
  upright, into the correct position before it was tested).  

(Click on the thumbnail images to enlarge)
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