For sale is a CERTANIUM 889 CAST IRON NICKEL WELDING ROD 7 lbs. Used for maintenance cast iron repairs. From manufacturer about similar rod 889sp: All cast irons including: Gray iron, Alloyed iron, Ductile, Nodular, Meehanite, and even steel to cast iron; recommended for machine bases, sprockets, housings, repair and build-up of broken and worn parts. 889SPs unique alloy composition and electrode construction helps provide crack resistant porosity free welds on cast iron without preheat. The bi-metal core wire construction allows 889SP to run on a wide amperage range without overheating. Because the electrode does not overheat, a soft smooth arc is produced, which will not snuff out or stick during operation. 889SPs controlled arc action reduces the size of the heataffected zone. 889SP welds through oil, grease and other contaminants. This easy to control electrode produces smooth, dense, non-porous deposits that are easily machineable. Weld spatter is minimal and slag deposits are virtually self-releasing. For best results, preheat large cross sections to room temperature.